DevOps Platform
Powerful. Simple.

Git server with CI/CD, kanban, and packages. Seamless integration. Unparalleled experience.

OneDev is by far the best tool Iโ€™ve used in my career as a software engineer. It allows my team and me to easily keep track of tasks and code, create in-depth reusable pipelines for our CI/CD, enforce (optional) role-based branch protection, provide highly-detailed code reviews for pull requests. And thatโ€™s just to name a few things. Huge thanks for creating something so awesome!
Joshua Norman, Hassem Prag
๐Ÿ”Ž Out-of-box code search and navigation
Language aware symbol search and navigation in any commit. Click symbol to show occurrences in current file. Fast code search with regular expression.
Code search and navigation
๐Ÿ‘ฎโ€ Flexible security and compliance scan
Scan code dependencies, built binaries, or container images to find security vulnerabilities, license violations, or secret exposures.
๐Ÿšฆ Annotate code with coverage and problems
Code will be annotated with coverage info and problems found in CI/CD pipeline, to facilitate code review.
Code annotation
Code comment
๐Ÿ’ฌ Code discussion anywhere anytime
Select any code or diff to start discussion. Suggest and apply changes. Discussions stay with code to help code understanding.
๐Ÿ”’ Versatile code protection rules
Set rule to require review or CI/CD verification when certain users touch certain files in certain branches.
Code protection
Issue board
๐Ÿ“‹ Automated Kanban to keep team organized
Move tasks manually in Kanban, or define rules to move them automatically when related work is committed/tested/released/deployed.
๐Ÿ›  Customizable and flexible issue workflow
Custom issue states and fields. Manual or automatic state transition rules. Issue links to sync operations and states. Confidential issues in public projects.
Workflow customization
Service desk
๐Ÿ“จ Service desk to link emails with issues
Use issues as ticket system to support customers via email, without requiring them to register accounts. Assign different support contacts for different projects or customers.
โฐ Time tracking and reporting
Track estimated/spent time on tasks. Aggregate time from subtasks automatically. Generate time sheets for work statistics and billing.
Time tracking
CI/CD editor
๐Ÿ’ก CI/CD as code without writing code
An intuitive GUI to create CI/CD jobs. Template for typical frameworks. Typed parameters. Matrix jobs. CI/CD logic reuses. Cache management.
๐Ÿš€ Versatile CI/CD executors from simple to scale
Run CI/CD out-of-box in container or on bare metal. Run massive jobs concurrently with Kubernetes or agents.
Job executors
Web terminal
๐Ÿ›  Tools to debug CI/CD jobs
Command to pause job execution. Web terminal to check job execution environment. Run job locally against uncommitted changes.
๐Ÿ“ฆ Built-in package registries
Built-in registry to manage binary packages. Link packages with CI/CD jobs.
Package registry
Deep integration
๐Ÿงฉ Deep integration and information cross-reference
Transit issue state via commit, CI/CD, or pull request. Show fixing builds of issue. Query fixed issues or code changes between build/package versions.
๐ŸŒฒ Project tree for easy maintenance
Use tree to organize projects clearly and efficiently. Define common settings in parent project and inherit in child projects.
Project tree
Issue query
๐Ÿ’ Smart query that can be saved and subscribed
Powerful and intuitive query for everything. Save query for quick access. Subscribe to query to get notified of interesting events.
๐ŸŽ›๏ธ Dashboard for teams and users
Arrange gadgets in custom dashboard to get important information at a glance. Share dashboard with users or groups, or make it public for everyone.
Edit dashboard
High availability
๐Ÿ‘ฏ Effortless high availability and scalability
Easy cluster setup. Replicate projects across different servers for high availability, or distribute projects for horizontal scalability.
๐Ÿ›ธ Command palette for quick access
Use cmd/ctrl-k to bring up command palette from anywhere. Search anything and jump to it without digging through menus.
Command palette
๐Ÿ“ˆ Statistics and Trends
In-depth statistics and trends for code, issues, builds, and pull requests. Gain insights into project health and progress.
๐Ÿ•Š๏ธ Fast, lightweight, and reliable
Crafted with resource usage and performance in mind. Get all features above with a 1 core 2G mem box for medium-sized projects. Intensively used for more than 5 years, with battle-proven reliability.
Resource usage
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